March: New Realisation in the Face of a Pandemic
Learn how to adjust your mindset and mitigate negative emotions that arise amid the pandemic.
Ward Off the Pandemic with Vegetarianism to Purify Mind

The war against the pandemic has been volatile and filled with uncertainty. With the emergence of several COVID-19 variants that have now spread across the globe, many countries are driven back to stricter safety measures to contain the disease. COVID-19 is a lesson from nature to mankind, urging us to slow down our pace and think about how we can co-exist with nature by opting for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Master Cheng Yen calls the COVID-19 pandemic a great lesson of our lifetime. She proposed four ways to overcome and ward off this pandemic:
First, pray sincerely;
Second, adopt a vegetarian diet;
Third, respect and love all life forms; and
Finally, curb our desires.
Although the depth of this great lesson is difficult to be explained with words, Master Cheng Yen still repeatedly calls out to everyone to be vigilant and pious.
By safeguarding nature and all living beings, we are safeguarding a sustainable future for ourselves.
COVID-19: What we have done so far
Timeline of Tzu Chi Singapore’s COVID-19 pandemic relief effort (2021)
On 29 April 2021, Singapore’s daily local confirmed COVID-19 cases exceeded double-digit for the first time in months. That has sent everyone from the government sector to the local community to race against time to contain the transmission of the virus. Tzu Chi Singapore’s pandemic prevention work is also reinstated to continue to serve those in need.
Timeline of Tzu Chi Singapore’s COVID-19 pandemic relief effort (2020)
On 23 January 2020, Singapore reported its first COVID-19 case. That has sent everyone from the government sector to the local community to race against time to contain the transmission of the virus. Tzu Chi Singapore’s pandemic prevention projects were initiated to serve those in need.
Warding off an outbreak with prayers of sincere piety (2020)
On 8 February 2020, Tzu Chi Singapore set up an epidemic relief committee to launch a series of outbreak relief projects catered for different communities. Click here to find out what Tzu Chi has done to help the community in 2020 amid the virus outbreak.
Adopt a Vegetarian Diet to Protect Lives
Start a Plant-Based Diet for Greater Good
Plant-based food is bland?
Plant-based food is not nutritious?
Plant-based diet is inconvenient?
Giving up meat can actually let you live longer and healthier. Try out our yummy recipes and discover the good taste of meatless dishes. You can also go on a foodie trail to try out delicious plant-based food in Singapore by following our food guide.
Go Veggie Singapore
Where to find veggie kaki?
Where to get yummy vegetarian food?
Plant-based diet is not nutritious enough?
Subscribe to our food hunt channel to explore yummy veggie food across the island and let vegan doctors and nurses tell you why adopting a plant-based diet can never go wrong.
Purify our Mind with Still Thoughts
Managing mental health amid COVID-19
The social distancing measures that have been ongoing for more than a year have taken a toll on people’s mental health and has led to the rising concerns of mental health issues among the public. To help the affected community tide through these challenging times, Tzu Chi has been holding a series of online seminars and activities to create mental health awareness since February 2021.
Dr. Yeo Sim Huat’s Holistic Well-Being Online Talk Series (in Mandarin)
May: Stay Healthy for Life by Sleeping Right
Quality sleep is essential for our overall wellbeing. Learn how to sleep right for a healthier life.
July: Overcome Depression
Learn how to identify depression and how to tackle this common mental issue.
Youth Wellness Launch Seminar
Do you know how happy is Singapore compared to other countries? Check out this video to learn about the importance of mental wellness and where to seek help at times of need.
Free online counselling services
Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) and Silver Ribbon have been working together to provide free counselling sessions for residents in need since February 2021. After Singapore enters Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), all counselling services are now switched online (consultation by phone or ZOOM). Should you or your family and friends show any signs of anxiety, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite etc., do not hesitate to WhatsApp us at 8777 8417 to make an appointment within the following time slot: 9 am to 5 pm every Tuesday (each session usually takes one hour).
Caring for the Mental Wellbeing of Dormitory Migrant Workers
With effect from June 2021, Tzu Chi Singapore is working with the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore (MOM) to jointly launch a mental wellness programme titled “Caring for the Mental Wellbeing of Dormitory Migrant Workers”. More than ten non-profit organisations have been invited to partner with Tzu Chi Singapore to carry out a variety of virtual and offline activities to help safeguard the mental wellness of migrant workers.
Bhumi Lifestyle Virtual Pilates Class
Mat Pilates
How to strengthen our core muscles and balance the strength and flexibility of our muscles? Let’s build stronger muscles and sleek muscle lines to feel greater agility in your daily exercise!
Dynamic Pilates
This is a strength and flexibility training guide where the alternation of fast and slow rhythm helps you burn calories and strengthen core muscles. This training can also be a good detox exercise.
Tzu Chi’s COVID-19 Relief Project (2020)
The year 2020 had been a challenging and transformational year for the world. In Singapore, the necessary implementation of the two-months Circuit Breaker had posed significant challenges to the public system and all industries in the market.
Thanks to the trust and support from the local community, we had been able to immediately identify and reach out to the vulnerable groups when the virus first reached Singapore. Together, we had weaved a “safety net” to help the needy as well as to inspire more kindness and positivity in the Lion City.