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About Us

Paving the Path of Great Love in the Lion City

In 50 years, Singapore has made a remarkable transformation from a third world backwater to a global financial and commercial hub. Tzu Chi, which was founded in Taiwan just one year after the independence of Singapore, has likewise established its presence globally from its humble beginnings in the rural east coast of Taiwan. Feeling the pain and hardships of the suffering, and believing that everyone possesses selfless love within, the NGO has inspired countless people around the world to serve as dedicated volunteers to work for the betterment of humanity.

The seeds of Tzu Chi’s Great Love from Taiwan took root on the shores of our island in the 1980s. Tzu Chi’s work in Singapore started with the Mission of Charity and the goal of relieving poverty, hoping to spread the intangible spirit of great love and gratitude through the tangible promotion of various charitable efforts.

The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore) was incorporated in 1993 and was granted the Institution of Public Character (IPC) status the following year. Tzu Chi raises funds from the local community to address the welfare needs of the underprivileged through various charitable initiatives that respond to the evolving needs of society.

Our Vision

Relieve the sufferings of those in need, and create a better world for humanity through our Four Missions of Charity, Medicine, Education, and Humanistic Culture.

Our Mission

Purify hearts and minds, and bring about harmony in society and a world free of disasters

Our Values

Cultivate sincerity, integrity, faith, and steadfastness within, and practise loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.


Vision 2030


Singapore is a relatively wealthy and blessed nation spared of natural disasters. Hence, Master Cheng Yen encourages Tzu Chi volunteers in Singapore to diligently sow the seeds of love and kindness, so that with such collective blessings, our country would be imbued with humanistic values and enjoy lasting peace and prosperity.


Our Five Pillars

Our work focuses on the following areas, which encompass a wide range of programmes and services:

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